Emily speaking about her chronic antibiotic resistant infection

Introducing Emily Morris, an Antibiotic Research UK ambassador

bowhouse Patient stories

At the last Antibiotic Research UK AGM, Emily Morris, an ambassador for our charity, spoke very openly about her experience of living with an antibiotic resistant infection. Emily is a young mother, a daughter, and a fiancée. Antibiotic resistance does not just affect her, but her family, friends, and all those around her. Like Emily, there are thousands of people currently living with an antibiotic resistant infection, for whom we need to help develop new antibiotics.

Emily says: “I’m only 24 and I have been resistant to antibiotics for almost 8 years now. Unless new antibiotics are developed, the day that an infection comes back saying resistant to all is inevitable for me. But Antibiotic Research UK, along with my family and friends, have given me a new vision that the future can be a positive one.”

You can listen to Emily tell her story here:


We need your help to avoid this preventable problem that has the potential to kill 10 million people by 2050, if no new antibiotics are developed. Please do donate today and help us support patients like Emily.