Patient Information

Many of the people that contact our Patient Support Service want extra information. This could be about their illness, infections in general or various treatments. Some people find the information available online difficult to understand, or struggle to take in everything their doctor has told them.

We’ve created a range of resources to provide additional information on all aspects living with an antibiotic-resistant infection. If you think something is missing or need any extra support, you can contact our Patient Support Service. Otherwise, have a look at the various resources we offer below.



You can view or download a PDF version of any of our leaflets to print at home.

The following leaflets provide more detailed information about specific types of infection:

Antibiotic resistant infections - Are you at risk? leafletAntibiotic resistant infections - Are you at risk? leaflet

Video resources

Please visit our YouTube channel to see the range of videos available. We will add more to this page soon.



There is a wide range of information available on our website. You can explore the menu tabs Antibiotic Resistance and Patient Support, or use the links below.

Find out more about the support we can offer you if you have an antibiotic-resistant infection or care about someone who does.

Hear Ronda’s story

Stay in touch

If you’d like to be kept up-to-date with the latest information about resistant infections, sign up for our newsletter. Once a quarter you’ll find out about any new resources we have produced, as well as news about research, fundraising and our other activities. You can also follow us on Twitter or join us over on our Facebook page.

If you have found any of this information useful, please consider making a donation to help us carry on creating resources and providing support to people affected by antibiotic-resistant infections.