Sometimes my dog has had to have antibiotics. This made me wonder whether my family could also get any antimicrobial resistance from my dog or vice versa?


Antibiotic resistance can affect the health of both people and animals. In fact, many microbes (germs) do not recognise these types of boundaries, and the same bacteria, virus and fungi can be found in different types of animals, and humans. This includes our pets who can also get bacterial illness. So, sometimes your dog might need antibiotics. Veterinarians are becoming …

I had a stem cell transplant as part of my cancer treatment. I was told I have ‘a new immune system’. What does this mean – will I always be more prone to infection?


Following a stem cell transplant you will have very low white blood cells (these are the blood cells that help fight infection and make up your immune system within the blood stream). This is due to the treatment you have had. When doctors or nurses say ‘new immune system’ they mean that your immune system needs to build up again …

I was told in hospital that I carry MRSA, but wasn’t given any further information. How did I get it and what does it mean for the future?


Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) is a type of staphylococcus aureus bacteria that is resistant to many antibiotics. When resistant they can still live on your skin and up your nose and cause no problems or symptoms; this is called colonisation and can happen through: • touching the skin of a person who is colonised with MRSA • touching a …

We are drying wet laundry within an enclosed open plan living area without ventilation (eg. no windows open in the winter) but should we be worried about the build up of bacteria?


Condensation remains arguably the largest cause of dampness in indoor areas, and can eventually lead to the growth of mould. If left unaddressed, condensation can also damage property by fraying curtains, peeling wallpaper and creating a generally musty environment. The growth of fungi like mould, is probably a greater risk to the health of those living there than bacteria build …

I am worried about germs gathering on clothes and causing me harm. How can I protect myself?


The NHS website contains useful information about reducing the risk of germs spreading in all sorts of places. It includes helpful information on laundering clothes too, such as: Wash your hands after handling dirty laundry All underwear, towels, and household linens should be washed at 60C (140F) with a bleach-based laundry product to prevent germs from spreading Don’t leave laundry in the …

How long does it take for your immune system to recover after taking antibiotics?


The use of antibiotics has long been linked to deprivation of gut bacteria. Healthy gut bacteria are vital to help build up the immune system. So, in some cases, there is the cause for concern over immune system recovery times following a course of antibiotics. One study shows that the makeup and function of gut bacteria can mostly recover after …

Will my flu vaccination also protect me from COVID-19?


No – flu (influenza) and COVID-19 are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by completely different viruses. COVID-19 is caused by a new coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2, whereas the flu vaccine provides protection against three or four influenza viruses that are expected to be the most common during the forthcoming winter. However, it is worth having the flu vaccine …

Flu symptoms seems very similar to coronavirus. How can I tell if I have COVID-19 or just the flu?


It could be difficult to know if you have flu or COVID-19, based on symptoms alone as many are similar, e.g. fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, aches and pains. The most predominant symptoms in COVID-19 are fever, dry cough and new loss of taste and/or smell. If you have any of these symptoms or suspect you could have COVID-19 you …

Is it possible that being on penicillin has produced a false negative result for COVID-19 when it should have been positive?


A concerned mother contacted Ask ANTRUK about her daughter who is taking penicillin and a negative COVID-19 test result. She wrote: My daughter is on penicillin for tonsillitis. She has had a negative COVID-19 test result which is surprising. My son is positive for COVID-19 and she has all the COVID-19 symptoms. Is it possible that being on penicillin has …

I am taking antibiotics for a urinary tract infection. Is it OK to be tested for COVID-19 or will the antibiotics interfere with the test result?


As far as current knowledge allows, taking a antibiotics for a UTI should not affect the test for COVID-19. The COVID-19 test looks for particles of a virus. The antibiotics you are taking treats your bacterial infection. The two are quite different and should not interact. You can read more about COVID-19 testing here. You can always ask your doctor …

I have read some people have T-cell immunity against the virus. What does this mean?


T-cells are cells in the blood that provide a further way of attacking the virus. There are three ways viruses can be attacked two of which are through antibodies, but the other is through T-cells. T-cells attack cells in the body that contain the virus or may even attack the virus directly. Memory T-cells are T-cells that have a memory …

Are there COVID-19 tests that can be done by everyone in their home to know if they are infected with the virus?


Unlike for antibiotic resistant bacteria, home based tests for COVID-19 are nearing general release to detect either the virus or antibodies to it. A number of tests are being evaluated to detect active viral infection using saliva rather than swab samples. Antibody detection tests to see if you have antibodies against the virus will also soon be available. These will …

If children are at very low risk of spreading coronavirus do I still need to get them tested?


Children and COVID testing are hot topics. But, if your child shows any of the symptoms of coronavirus, you should still have them tested. Now that children are back to school in the UK, it’s important that you follow the guidance. If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus: get a test to check if your child has …

When was the first case of Coronavirus discovered?


The first case of coronavirus was discovered in the mid-1960s. There are seven strains that can affect humans. Four of these strains are the common human coronavirus that cause mild upper respiratory type symptoms – cold-like symptoms. The three other coronaviruses cause more serious lower respiratory symptoms. They are known as MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV and SARS-COV 2 (COVID-19).

If clinicians don’t know if a hospitalised COVID-19 patient has a secondary bacterial infection, how do they decide which empiric antibiotic to use for that patient?


In an ideal world, they would want to know which bacteria a patient is infected with and give the most appropriate antibiotic known to treat that bacterial species. Without this information, clinicians are left with administering a broad-spectrum antibiotic in the hope that it will kill whatever bacteria are causing the infection. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are active against a wider number …

Do we know what percentage of hospitalised COVID-19 patients develop a secondary bacterial infection?


There are very few reports which record the frequency of secondary bacterial infections such as bacterial pneumonia. In a large meta-analysis, (that’s where data from a number of studies is combined and analysed) numbers of around 7% were reported (details here). On the other hand, anecdotal evidence during the current COVID-19 pandemic from two English large city hospitals suggest a …

I have heard that when COVID-19 patients are admitted to hospital, they are often given antibiotics empirically. Is this true?


Some patients with severe COVID-19 symptoms can develop sepsis very quickly. To try and prevent such patients going into septic shock, empiric antibiotics are given without knowing whether the patient has or has not got a bacterial respiratory infection. Until rapid bedside diagnostic tests are developed for determining if the patient has a bacterial infection and if so which organism, …